Category: Uncategorized

New Work

Busy preparing work for the forthcoming 139th Annual RSW Winter exhibition. The Exhibition which is held in the Lower Galleries of The Royal Scottish Academy, The Mound, Edinburgh, runs from December 29th 2019 till 3o0h January, 2020.

RSW Council

Thoroughly enjoyed my first RSW Council meeting on 23rd in the Glasgow Arts Club. Made to feel very welcome by all.


Excellent meeting on Saturday. Aberdeen Artists’ Society is in good heart & I look forward to our exhibition in the ‘new’ Aberdeen Art Gallery in Summer of 2020.

SAA Award

Pleased to learn that Snowclouds over The Grampians, which won the Best Landscape in the Professional category of the Society’s Artists’ of the Year 2019, is to be exhibited in the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham from 31st October till 3rd November. The work – which is one of the series featured on the Home

LAS Annual Exhibition 2019

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to a great Preview of our annual show. Particular thanks to Mike Samson who opened the exhibition and to all who supported us.

LAS Annual Exhibition 2019

Looking forward to hanging the Annual Exhibition of our local Laurencekirk Artists’ Society Annual show this coming Friday. Some excellent work and a very high standard of exhibits showing a wide range of media and subject matter by local artists. Around 60 works in addition to a number of small ‘charity’ pictures in support of